A day at Nust


This is a Blog about the places frequented by the students of NUST on a daily basis

Nust Lake Bridge

Our day begins (at least for boys) by crossing this bridge. Under it is some kind of sewerage system. It is quite a challenge to the nose but a considerable shortcut towards Concordia 2 and different departments of NUST. At night, however, it may be dangerous to use this path as humans aren't the only things that traverse it.

Indus Loop


Crossing the bridge,  you arrive at "Indus Loop". It is a road that loops around the most of NUST's "populated" land area. Used by cars and people alike. If you ever get lost, just follow the path and you'll surely find a recognizable landmark to help navigate.

SEECS dolphin area

Getting from Indus Loop to the department is a different story for each student.
Here is a picture of me in SEECS' famous dolphin area performing the ritual of securing a 4.0 GPA, or as nustians call it, a "choka". 

Concordia 1

After a busy and tiring day in school, you may want to sit back and relax under the field of trees found behind concordia 1, the main cafe of NUST. also know as "C1". Many gather here for meetings, hangouts, interview, or just to enjoy the weather. Whatever your intention may be, it is a must-visit place to go.

Scholar's Avenue 

You may have seen these boards scattered all across "Scholars' avenue". The only road in NUST where vehicles are strictly forbidden. also known "the border", It spans across the middle of the area encapsulated by Indus loop and is the most used path due to its location

Central Library 

Here, You see the Central Library, particularly busy during exam days. It gives a pleasant and comfortable environment to study and prepare for any upcoming exams. Or to seek knowledge from the piles of books provided there on different topics. To the students of SEECS, this may as well be their "second home".

Retro Cafe

As the sun sets, You retrace all your steps back to the hostels, with a small detour to the upcoming and ever-increasing "hub". Retro.
From its amazing location, right next to the boys hostel, to its service. Everything is well orchestrated. The food is good as compared to other cafes in NUST. My personal favorite is their BBQ options and/or pizza. Probably the best bang for your buck.

The mastermind

And here is the Success story, or mastermind, behind retro. Chacha zindabad

Thank You for reading.


  1. It was really fun to read your blog . The blog had many interesting things and the mostly the fun facts like the dolphin area and the man in the retro .
    The only thing that I found missing was that you could add some details about the laws that how you were able to apply them.
    Keep it up.

  2. The article is informative and well written. Author describes the vibe of each of the places really well and makes the reader feel it. If I could nitpick I would say that the places need more descriptions and information but that is a minor issue.

  3. Liked the blog in a sense that it gave me a deeper dive into the know-how of the places i didn't even know despite being a resident of that place. Enjoyed it:)

  4. Very detailed photos. Love your blog!


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