
A day at Nust

  This is a Blog about the places frequented by the students of NUST on a daily basis Nust Lake Bridge Our day begins (at least for boys) by crossing this bridge. Under it is some kind of sewerage system. It is quite a challenge to the nose but a considerable shortcut towards Concordia 2 and different departments of NUST. At night, however, it may be dangerous to use this path as humans aren't the only things that traverse it. Indus Loop   Crossing the bridge,  you arrive at "Indus Loop". It is a road that loops around the most of NUST's "populated" land area. Used by cars and people alike. If you ever get lost, just follow the path and you'll surely find a recognizable landmark to help navigate. SEECS dolphin area Getting from Indus Loop to the department is a different story for each student. Here is a picture of me in SEECS' famous dolphin area performing the ritual of securing a 4.0 GPA, or as nustians call it, a "choka".  Concordia 1 A